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Empowering Underserved Communities with Art as a Path to Wellness and Engagement

learn more

Join Our Journey

Become a part of a movement that uses art to heal and inspire. Explore how your involvement can make a real difference in underserved communities.

Our Vision and Goals

Dedicated to empowering communities through art.

We are in the early stages of creating meaningful change. Discover our objectives, the specific needs we aim to address, and how we plan to use art as a tool for community development.


Workshops and Events

Join our practical workshops and community-focused events.

Art Workshops

Our workshops offer practical art skills for various levels. We collaborate with artists and professionals to provide educational and hands-on sessions. These workshops aim to enhance artistic abilities and encourage community participation.

Workshop Details

Community Events

Our events focus on community engagement through art. They provide a platform for resource sharing and networking, with an emphasis on using art for therapeutic benefits. These events aim to support community well-being and foster connections.

Event details

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Education support
Mental Health Icon


Providing educational programs and resources to enhance artistic knowledge and skills in our community.

mental health

Utilizing art as a tool to support mental health and wellness, offering therapeutic and expressive outlets.

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artist support

Offering support to artists through resources, networking opportunities, and platforms to showcase their work.

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ai innovation

Exploring the intersection of art and technology, leveraging AI to foster creative innovation and accessibility.

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we need volunteers, join our community!

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who we are

Creating impactful change through the power of art. Laying the groundwork for a future where creativity aids in community healing and growth.

our story

Just Give Art, established in 2023, is a global initiative dedicated to harnessing the transformative power of art for community upliftment and mental health support. At its core, the foundation believes in the universal language of art as a medium for healing, connection, and empowerment. With a vision that transcends borders, Just Give Art aims to reach diverse communities worldwide, providing accessible and impactful art-related experiences and supplies. At Just Give Art we believe every person in every community deserves access.

Through strategic collaboration, community outreach events, and specialized workshops, the foundation concentrates on bringing artistic experiences to underserved communities around the world. Each program is meticulously designed to not only enhance artistic skills but also provide a therapeutic space for emotional exploration and mental wellness.

By addressing the critical need for creative and mental health resources, Just Give Art nurtures an environment where art serves as a powerful tool for positive transformation and personal development.

“Art has the power to heal, inspire, and create a ripple effect of positive change.“

- Anjelika Perry & Anisett Willis, Co-Founders of Just Give Art Foundation

who we serve?

Just Give Art's mission is dedicated to serving specific, often overlooked segments of the global community, particularly those who have historically had limited access to art and mental health resources.

This includes people in underserved urban and rural areas, communities in recovery from trauma or conflict, and groups that lack traditional support systems.

By focusing on these niche populations, the foundation's efforts in community outreach, access to art supplies, and specialized workshops aim to introduce the benefits of art for mental wellness and creative self-expression.

The goal is to not just provide access to art and supplies but to empower these communities, fostering resilience and a sustained positive impact through the healing and unifying power of artistic expression.

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meet the founders

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Anjelika Perry and Anisett Jacques Willis, leaders at the helm of Just Give Art. Their expertise in behavioral health and art therapy anchors our community-focused initiatives


Co-Founder / Board Member

Anisett Jacques Willis, co-founder of 'Just Give Art' and licensed therapist, has 19 years' experience in correctional facilities, homeless, youth, and veterans' care. Passionate about art therapy, she champions transformative healing. Anisett's global work, particularly in Haiti, empowers communities through art, fostering hope, and reviving lives.

— Connect with Anisett www.onecentricity.com


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Co-Founder / Board Member

Anjelika Perry, Co-Founder of Just Give Art, blends digital and traditional arts with behavioral health. Overcoming grief, she uses art for emotional healing. CEO of Saint Anj Creative Studio and Black Travel Go, she advocates for wellness through travel and art. Her experience and education drive her transformative leadership.

— Connect with Anjelika www.AnjelikaPerry.com

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get involved


Choose to donate and directly fuel our mission by helping us purchase art supplies, run operations, execute marketing plans, and offer community workshops. Your generosity also aids artists in need. All donors receive a quarterly report, keeping you informed on how your contributions make a positive impact in the community.


Become a volunteer in one of our active cities: LA, San Diego, or New York. Whether you're interested in joining our vibrant street team or you're an artist looking to donate your skills, there's a place for you. Experience the joy of hands-on involvement while directly impacting communities. Your time and talent can truly make a difference.


Become an Art Partner if you're an artist or creative individual eager to make a difference. This option allows you to contribute your skills at our community outreach events or even host a workshop in your own city, backed by our supportive team. Share your creativity and expertise to uplift communities through art and positive messaging.


Host an Event and collaborate directly with Just Give Art to make a meaningful impact in your community. By working under our established brand, you'll have the full support of our team to facilitate and give back in a powerful way. This is a wonderful opportunity for individuals or organizations to amplify their community contributions.

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our community partners

The Red Circle

contact Support@justgiveart.org

© 2024 Just Give Art Foundation. All rights reserved.